How to create an email ad

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To create an email add go to Main menu -> Ad Management -> Email Ads

Insert desired details to the fields under "Create New Email Advertisement"



The advertiser's username

Ad Description

Description of the email.

Cheat Link

Set to yes if the ad created is a cheat link. See Cheat Links For more details.

Duration Type

Choose how the email ad will expire. You have three options:

  • Never Expire
  • Expire by certain date
  • Expire after so many clicks


Duration value, set the value depending the duration type option chosen:

  • Never Expire: Leave blanc
  • Expire by certain date: Set the date and time in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format, for example 20080831000000
  • Expire after so many clicks: Insert a numeral value, for example 1000


The amount an user will receive for reading the email and clicking on the paid link. Remember to choose if the email is a point or cash email.


How long a member must view the page advertised before the account is credited. Insert the value in seconds, for example 15 for 15 seconds.

Hours to lock the ad after it is clicked

How often repeated clicks for the ad are allowed. For example 12 means user must wait 12 hours before he can click the ad again and receive credit for it.

Turing Numbers

If set to on turing number will always be shown to all clickers of this ad. If set to off global turing number settings will be used. Usually it's best to leave this off.

Site URL

URL to the site advertised. The url must include http://

For example:

Email Advertisement Text

The email text. This can be either in plain text or html format.

See also

Cheat Links

How to send an email

Personal tools
Administration manual