Cheat Links

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You can create two types of cheat links to catch users who use auto clicking software or aren't paying attention to the ads.

Email Cheat Links

Creating and sending an email cheat link follows the same procedure than creating a normal email ad (Please see How to create an email ad and How to send an email for detailed instructions). Remember to select Cheat Link: yes.

We recommend you use imagination when creating the email text to prevent auto clicking softwares from recognizing the cheat link. It's also recommended to link the cheat link to a site that explains that the user has clicked a cheat link, so if someone clicks the link by accident they can quickly close the window and prevent the cheat link click to be loged.

PTC (Paid To Click) Cheat Links

Creating a PTC cheat link follows the same procedure than creating a normal ptc ad (Please see How to create a PTR (Paid To Signup) ad for detailed instructions). Remember to select Cheat Link: yes.

We recommend you use a banner that clearly states the link is a cheat link.



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