User Management

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How to add a user

Go to User Management -> Add a User

Insert username for the new user and click on Add. You can then specify rest of the member profile options.

How to delete a user

Go to User Management -> View/Edit/Delete users or click on "Users" button in the top menu and search the user you want to delete.

You can also use a direct link to the user profile: http://your_domain/scripts/admin/viewuser.php?userid=username (replace your_domain with your domain name and username with the username you want to delete)

How to edit a user profile

Go to User Management -> View/Edit/Delete users or click on "Users" button in the top menu and search the user you want to edit.

Edit the profile and click on Save changes.

How to set an account to vacation mode

Go to User Management -> View/Edit/Delete users or click on "Users" button in the top menu and search the user you want to set to vacation mode.

Insert the vacation end date to the "Vacation" field, the date must be in yyyy-mm-dd format (For example 2008-12-31) and click on "Save Changes".

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