Pending membership

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This small modification changes default membership type to Pending. With login() you can make pre-approval system for new members.

Process with care, we are not responsible for any user inflicted damages to database.


Create Pending membership:

1) Login to your CashCrusader admin panel
2) Go to User Management -> Membership Types
3) Create new membership type Pending

Alter users table. Steps on common cPanel system:

1) Go to phpMyAdmin
2) Choose your database from top left
3) Click users table from left frame, structure of users table opens to right frame
4) From account_type row click pen icon for Change
5) Column editor comes up, write Pending to default field
6) Click [Save]

Now you can protect pages by denying access from Pending users:

An example:

1) Open ptc.php
2) Edit second line, from




General code to block pending members is <?php login('deny','Pending'); ?>

You may want to edit /pages/not_allowed_access.php to state that new accounts require approval.


1) Go to phpMyAdmin
2) Choose your database from top left
3) Click users table from left frame, structure of users table opens to right frame
4) From account_type row click pen icon for Change
5) Column editor comes up, empty default box
6) Click [Save]
7) Login to your CashCrusader admin panel
8) Go to User Management -> Membership Types
9) Delete Pending membership type
10) Remove any denial codes for Pending membership

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