From CashCrusaderWiki
Action get_ptc_ad_v2 is an improved version of get_ptc_ad with added functionality like defining amount of PTC ads to show at once, showing click counters of ads and country targeting.
Required CashCrusader version: 2.01
Required CashCrusader version: 2.11 (for country targeting)
Required CashCrusader version: 2.20 (for translation/customization support)
Example usage:
<?php action("get_ptc_ad_v2","category,5,1,1,1"); ?>
Details, from left to right:
category = this is the ad category for PTCs you want to display
5 = this is the amount of PTC ads you want to display
1 = show clicks left value, 1=true 0=false
1 = show received clicks, 1=true 0=false
1 = show how much the ad is worth, 1=true 0=false
Example translation:
$ptc_customization['translated'] = true;
$ptc_customization['message'] = 'The ad above is worth';
$ptc_customization['notfound'] = 'Sorry, no ads are available for you to click on this page at this time';
$ptc_customization['points'] = 'point(s)';
$ptc_customization['cash'] = 'cent(s)';
$ptc_customization['factor'] = 1;
$ptc_customization['forward'] = 'Next Page';
$ptc_customization['back'] = 'Previous Page';
Example customization:
$ptc_customization['link_class'] = 'ptc_link';
$ptc_customization['target'] = '_blank';
Link_class is the CSS class attached to each PTC link and target is HTML target for the links.
Add translation and customization PHP codes before calling the action().