abuse report form

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Action report_abuse_form is used to create abuse report form.

Required CashCrusader version: 2.19

Example usage:

Simple code for default form:
<?php action('abuse_report_form'); ?>

Complete code with all arguments:
<?php action('abuse_report_form','abuse_report,60,20,Report:,Reason:,Submit,Thank you. Your report has been sent.'); ?>

Details, from left to right:

There are seven optional arguments used with this feature and they are separated by comma.

1) CSS id given to the table where the form is.
2) Columns in the reason text area.
3) Rows in the reason text area.
4) Text shown next to the url being reported.
5) Text shown next to the text area for reason of report.
6) Text shown in the submit button.
7) Text shown after the report has been sent.


By default, this code is found in /pages/abuse_report.php. A copy of the file can be gotten from /scripts/templates/abuse_report.php.


Abuse report form only works when user lands to the page via timer_links Report Abuse link.

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