Example Plugin

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The most simple plugin example:


$plugins[]=array("name"=>"YourPlugin name", "classname"=>"yourpluginclass");

class yourpluginclass extends plugin_base
	var $class_name = 'yourpluginclass';
	var $file_name = 'yourpluginfolder/plugin.php';
	var $author = 'You';
	var $web = 'http://yourwebsite.com';
	var $name = 'YourPlugin name';
	var $date = 'Apr-17-2009 (v0.6.1)';

        // If your plugin does not use cronjobs, do not include cron_job function to your plugin.php
        // Scheduled tasks etc, this function is run every time CashCrusader cronjobs are run.
        // By default the frequency is every ten minutes. But may vary per sites.
	function cron_job() {
              //Hint: put script in external file and include() it like below
              //include('mycron.php'); //would include file /public_html/scripts/plugins/yourpluginfolder/mycron.php
		return 1; 

        // The admin area front page of your plugin
	function admin_page() {
              //This function is loaded after clicking 'YourPlugin name' link on plugins list
              //Direct link: http://domain/scripts/admin/pload.php?p_load=yourpluginclass
		return 1;
        // The default public page of your plugin
	function public_page() {
                //like <?php plugin('yourpluginclass'); //this would be in /pages/somefile.php ?>
		return 1;

        // If your plugin does not use runner, do not include runner function to your plugin.php
        // called at start up time of runner.php, like when user clicks a link or banner
        function runner() {
		return 1;

        function yourownpublicfunction() {
              //another public page function <?php plugin('yourpluginclass', 'yourownpublicfunction'); //this would be in /pages/somefile.php ?>
              //you can have many own functions
		return 1;

        function yourownadminfunction() {
              //another admin page function
              //Link to this function: http://domain/scripts/admin/pload.php?p_load=yourpluginclass&function=yourownadminfunction
              // p_load and function can be POSTed or via GET like above
		return 1;

        // Hook to integrate your plugin to the admin panel's user viewer
        // Requires CashCrusader 3.0 or later
        // You may echo data to browser and it will be shown in /admin/viewuser.php?userid=$user
	function admin_viewuser($user) {
		return 1;

        // Hook to integrate your plugin to the admin panel's reminder section
        // Requires CashCrusader 3.0 or later
        // You may echo data to browser and it will be shown in top right of the admin panel notes
	function admin_reminder() {
		return 1;

        // Hook to integrate your plugin to the user login event
        // Requires CashCrusader 3.0 or later
        // The event is triggered every time a user logins
	function user_login($user) {
		return 1;

        // Hook to integrate your plugin to the user signup event
        // Requires CashCrusader 3.0 or later
        // The event is triggered every time a user registers
	function user_signup($user) {
		return 1;

        // Hook to integrate your plugin to the user purged event
        // Requires CashCrusader 3.0 or later
        // The event is triggered every time a user is purged from database
	function user_purged($user) {
		return 1;

        // Hook to integrate your plugin to the user profile updated event
        // Requires CashCrusader 3.0 or later
        // The event is triggered every time a user is updated
	function user_profile_updated($user) {
		return 1;

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