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Important note: When you are finished installing your scripts, make sure to set the admin password. Also make sure that you have deleted the cac-to-mec folder in the scripts dir on your server as that is a major security risk. In fact do not even upload that folder to your server unless you need to convert a CAC site.



Upload Files

Unzip the attached file, then upload all the files to your /www directory. You will have two directory's inside the /www directory after you upload them /scripts and /pages. Upload files using FTP BINARY mode.

/scripts directory: Configuration

The only file needing edits is the "" file.

The items that need attention in the file are marked as follows:

  • All instances of "UserID" should be replaced with your mysql database user id.

$mysql_hostname='localhost'; ( localhost is a default setting verify with your host which setting should be there.)



$mysql_database='Database Name';


Next, you will want to run the installer.

Simply go to http://PUT_YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE/scripts/admin/installer.php

And follow the instructions.

(Replace "PUT_YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE" with YOUR domain name i.e.:

Cron Job

You need to set the following script to run every 10 minutes as a cronjob. If you do not know what a cronjob is then you will need to contact your host. If your host does not know what a cronjob is then you need to find a better host. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE SCRIPTS WILL NOT FUNCTION IF THIS IS NOT RAN EVERY 10 MINUTES

lynx --dump http://PUT_YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE/scripts/admin/cronjobs.php > /dev/null

(Replace "PUT_YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE" with YOUR domain name i.e.:

Site Design

These two files in your /pages/ dir represent the top and bottom of your site, they are templates. You may create your own header and footer and overwrite them or edit the existing with new colors and such. If you are not html savvy we suggest you hire someone to do it for you. We offer this service at an additional charge. Contact us for more information.

header.php = This is the top portion of your website and will be displayed on all pages throughout the site. We included a generic template, you may edit this with your site design. ( Don't forget to customized the meta tags. We have already added a banner rotator code in the header for you.)

footer.php = This is the bottom portion of your website and will be displayed on all pages throughout the site. We included a generic template, you may edit this with your site design. ( We have already added the code for displaying the number of members code in the footer for you.)

You can now go to this link and log in: http://PUT_YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME_HERE/scripts/admin. This is where you perform all your admin duties for your get paid site.

You may want to customize the following webpages for your site, as they are just templates:




These pages will need the following information added before they are complete:

advertise.php = Add your ad packages and payment portals.

gold.php = Add your gold membership benefits and payment portals.

reflinks.php = Add your company banner(s) to www/images dir. so they will display on this page.

Set up the following eMail accounts in your eMail Manager, these accounts are needed for all your site email forms.

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Administration manual