Site eMail Settings

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Configuration page path: Main menu > Site settings -> Site eMail Settings

This page contains settings related to eMail handling in CashCrusader script. Some of these settings are among the most commonly edited ones and some should be edited by experts only.

Configuration options on this page:

Setting NameDefault valueInstructions and comments

Your Site Name

Your_domain (for example

Name of your site, can contain spaced and uppercase characters. For examle: CashCrusader Software

Your Domain Name

Your_domain (for example

Do not edit unles the domain displayed is incorrect!

Redemption notices are sent to


Remember to use an existing email address.

Advertising emails are sent to


Remember to use an existing email address.

Support emails are sent to


Remember to use an existing email address.

Mass emails are sent as being from


We recommend you use an existing email address ending with @your_domain

To: address for BCC Mass emails

For experts only! Do not edit unless you use a BCC Mass emails.

When sending emails that contain the <OWED> tag skip members that do not owe anything.


Self-explaining, choose yes or no. Usually do not have to be changed.

Throttle back the send speed of mass mails to help prevent being blacklisted and reduce load on your server.


Do not turn this off with out having prior permission from your host!

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