CashCrusader changelog

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(Version 2.17 changes)
(Version 2.18 changes)
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{{DISPLAYTITLE:CashCrusader Script Changelog}}
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== 2.18 Changes ==
* Fixed MySQL queries to be properly escaped at admin's Keyword, Country And State Selection managers
* Fixed a bug which prevented account cancellation when there existed canceled account which used to have the same email address
* Fixed autoupdater's assumption for tar location when server returns blank for tar test
* Added possibility to preselect interests for join form
* Added ordering of equal PTC ads by age (id) to get_ptc_ad_v2
* Added showing of /pages/account_canceled.php to canceled users if the page exists (get from /scripts/templates/account_canceled.php)
== 2.17 Changes ==
== 2.17 Changes ==

Revision as of 23:21, 12 November 2009


2.18 Changes

  • Fixed MySQL queries to be properly escaped at admin's Keyword, Country And State Selection managers
  • Fixed a bug which prevented account cancellation when there existed canceled account which used to have the same email address
  • Fixed autoupdater's assumption for tar location when server returns blank for tar test
  • Added possibility to preselect interests for join form
  • Added ordering of equal PTC ads by age (id) to get_ptc_ad_v2
  • Added showing of /pages/account_canceled.php to canceled users if the page exists (get from /scripts/templates/account_canceled.php)

2.17 Changes

  • Fixed text only PTCs' appearance in latest visits at viewuser.php
  • Fixed scheduled emails editor so that it doesn't break MySQL5 compatibility
  • Fixed couple potential XSS vulnerabilities
  • Fixed Banners last viewed date at adstats.php when using custom time format
  • Massmailer no longer tries to include unreadable files (fixes file_get_content warning on PHP5)
  • Upgrade expire manager now ignores suspended/canceled users to prevent unintended account reinstates
  • Minor cosmetical edits to viewuser.php interface (typos fixed and interests spanning across page improved)
  • Updater now deletes old tar log to prevent errors during update

2.16 Changes

  • Fixed transaction ledger's Edit/Copy bug

2.15 Changes

  • Added 'Back to top' link to admin area footer
  • Added random password generator to admin password change page
  • Enhanced Transaction ledger search form to include more search options
  • Re-designed Usermanager's output
  • Fixed scheduled email editor form to pick Inbox Only status properly

2.14 Changes

  • Made massmailer to skip zero receiver massmails
  • Altered statistics API slightly to allow usage of autologin again

2.13 Changes

  • Fixed PaidToReview adstats
  • Fixed colspan bug in HTML PTC adstats
  • Restored behaviour that "0" picks every massmail when cleaning massmailer(timezone feature broke it)
  • Added option to pre-select unsent massmails when cleaning massmailer
  • Added possibility for external statistics software to send password via POST instead of GET

2.12 Changes

  • Fixed timestamp bug from Surf ad manager
  • Fixed MySQL error, which only occurs if site uses prefix, from ptcadmgr
  • Fixed 'header already sent' error from installer
  • Fixed MySQL 4.0 bug from auto-expiring memberships (untested due lack of ancient software, see note below)
  • Fixed downline earnings
  • Fixed bug in PTC/email last visit cleaning (already visited bug)
  • Added support for searching by last login IP address to usermanager and not only by signup ip
  • Added support for timestamp formatting to usermanager last login / signup dates
  • Added support for formatting old MySQL 4.0 style timestamps
  • Although this release improves MySQL 4.0 support, CashCrusader is no longer fully compatible with old 4.0.x versions of MySQL and official requirement has been lifted to MySQL 4.1.x. Also MySQL 5 is now officially supported as many MySQL 5 related bugs have been fixed in recent versions. This however does not automatically mean all plugins are also compatible with MySQL 5.

2.11 Changes

  • New Feature: Country targeting for PTC ads (usage of get_ptc_ad_v2 required)
  • New Feature: Support for setting timezone for CashCrusader pages
  • New Feature: Support for formatting timestamps for CashCrusader pages
  • Action get_ptc_ad_v2 now outputs valid HTML 4.01 Transitional
  • Added Creation time support for PTC ads
  • Added HTTP Referer support for Visitors Online page
  • Added Note support for IP blocking feature
  • Added headerset support for single massmail creation
  • Redesigned PTC management page
  • Redesigned Email management page
  • Setting vacation date is logged into member notes
  • New option to automatically remove member upgrade (auto-expire)
  • New option to send massmail to inactive members only
  • Fix bug of not being able to send massmail to single receiver
  • Fix MySQL5 bug from massmailing cronjob
  • Fix auto upgrade via redemption page to give member proper freerefs / extra commission counts
  • Fix small bug from redemption manager form
  • If massmail has too many receivers, auto trim receiver count to match actual receiver count

2.10 Changes

  • New feature: Members/guests online (User Management -> Visitors Online)
  • Improved click counters search options
  • Fix massmailer's Send button
  • Fix downloading of manual backup and membership email list

2.09 Changes

  • Lots of admin panel header code rewritten but familiar outlook kept
  • Support for custom CSS for admin panel
  • MySQL prefix bug fixed in scheduler.php
  • MySQL5 compatibility fixes for massmailer.php/scheduler.php
  • Massmailer integrated with paidmail scheduler menu
  • Massmailer now fetches default email type (HTML/plain text) from default emailset from scheduler
  • Do not credit upline from PTC cheat clicks
  • Added voting link to admin index page

2.08 Changes

  • If you are upgrading from 2.04 or older, the update needs to be ran twice!
  • Critical email ad earnings related bug fixed
  • Added possibility to search members by join date
  • Added #USERNAME# support to email ad urls
  • Fixed a bug which causes paused ads to be sent from scheduler
  • Added PTC cheat link option
  • Log cheat clicks to member notes

2.07 Changes

  • If you are upgrading from 2.04 or older, the update needs to be ran twice!
  • New feature: paidmail scheduler (Ad management -> Paidmail scheduler)
  • Traffic exchange feature updates,
  • fixed the report abuse link
  • fixed the open page in new window link
  • fixed bug that would allow invalid urls to be posted
  • added Auto Approve submitted urls option
  • ask surfer before leaving autosurf if next page breaks frames (does not work on all browsers but works on IE and Firefox, does not work with Opera, not tested with anything else. The browser must support the window.beforeunload feature)
  • Fixed rounding bug when editing redemption option
  • Possibility to order admin reminders/notes by dates
  • Option for Site Offline setting to let admin determined IP addresses pass the message

2.06 Changes

  • If you are upgrading from 2.04 or older, the update needs to be ran twice!
  • Database backupper improvements;
  • Local backup location changeable
  • Fixed errors in backup output
  • Remove email address verification when admin changes the address
  • Viewuser.php improvements to include more data about the user
  • Miscanellous changes / tweaks

2.05 Changes

  • Improved auto updater. When upgrading to 2.05, updater needs to be ran twice!
  • Possibility for members to delete their ads from adstats.php (Default setting: Other Settings -> Off)
  • When member changes their email address, new address needs to be verified via verification email. Owners are encouraged to write note to userinfo.php that email address change requires verification. Templates folder has updated userinfo.php page, which notifies user that verification email has been sent. This page is compatible with default template and may need modifying for customized designs.
  • Turing number link size editor
  • Members status is now checked on every page load, not only when logging in so account suspension is immediate now
  • Possibility to view cash/total click counters in Cash Balances page
  • Removed admin panel headers from phpinfo.php page

2.04 Changes

  • Critical security fix related to passwords. Details will not be enclosed at this time.
  • Removed dependency for deprecated long $HTTP_*_VARS type from mailer.php for improved compatibility with different PHP configurations and with future PHP6.
  • New feature: Possibility to turn public side of CC offline with message from owner.

2.03 Changes

  • New feature: reminders/notes for admin panel
  • Couple bug fixes for redemption manager
  • Change the method for avoiding PHP5 bug 43053 to make larger redemptions/transactions possible

2.02 Changes

  • Regression bug fix for login function.

2.01 Changes

  • Fix member login bypass bug when REGISTER_GLOBALS is on
  • Fix/workaround for PHP5 bug 43053, which causes some created transactions to become zero
  • Fix for potential MySQL inject in PTC function
  • New get_ptc_ad_v2 action to create PTC page with desired amount of PTC ads and statistics
  • Automatic backup confirmed to be working on PHP 5.2.5
  • Show_rotating_ad action edited to output valid HTML 4.01 Transitional
  • Cheatlink and bad turing counter editors
  • Embedded helpdesk for

2.00 Changes

  • Paid-to-Chat feature added

1.99 Changes

  • special hash unique to each CC site and URL added to redirects to prevent unauthorized redirects
  • PayPal Compatability fixed
  • 4 auto/manual surfs, copy new templates to your pages dir (autosurf.php, autosurf1.php autosurf2.php autosurf3.php autosurf4.php)
  • Cronjobs encoded by IONCUBE

1.98 Changes

  • New templates to copy to your pages dir (found in the scripts/templates dir): advertiser_account_menu.php, advertiser_adstats.php, advertiser_autosurf.php, login.php,email_not_found.php, invalid_login.php, account_menu.php, ptr.php
  • Add a link to advertiser_adstats.php for the new advertiser login features
  • Many bug fixes, and security fixes.*
  • Now you can login by username or email address
  • Dynamic Loading of plugins reduces server load as much as 50%
  • Paid2Review
  • Improved support for dealing with inactive members with out having to cancel their accounts
  • Accounts are now canceled instead of deleted. You can then purge the canceled accounts. (Trashbin services for accounts)
  • Advertiser login
  • Login support for differnt usernames. allow or deny certain member types to certain pages and much more

1.97 Changes

  • New user search and user manager with ability to suspend an account.

1.96 Changes

  • Fixes targeting bug that exists in version 1.95

1.95 Changes

  • Minor bug fixes and the ability to delete many old emails at once and targeting membership types
  • Plugins now support runner function so that plugins can now run at runner.php startup

1.94 Changes

  • Bug fix for mailer update in version 1.93

1.93 Changes

  • Now in email settings you can set the total number of emails to send per hour. This is for those of you that have hosts that limit you to say 400 emails per hour. You can now set the number to 400 in email settings and you will no longer get the 'Domain Unroutable' error
  • New membertypes settings. Now you can set the amount of extra commission a member should get, also there is now a main section to create member types so that if you do not want to set a member to a custom setting in their account thats just for them you can just set them to one of the member types you have created.

1.92 Changes

  • Fix bug in runner.php that would allow members to cheat email ads

1.91 Changes

  • Fixes Wrong numbers showing up for turing numbers. If no turing numbers are showing up then the member needs to clear their cookies and restart the browser because it is calling an incorrect session ID.

1.90 Changes

  • Because having phpsessions now use mysql the file locking that was relied on before for things no longer exists, So I have made some small changes in a few of the functions to make them work correcly with this new session method. Also now sessions data is only rewrote to mysql if there has been a change other wise nothing is updated. This will provide a speed improvement over even the orginal method thats wrote to files in the /tmo dir.

1.89 Changes

  • PHPSESSION data is now stored in MySQL. This adds a slight boost in security on shared servers, Also now that it no longer uses the /tmp dir you will never have to worry about the occasional problems like permission denied, or no space left, that only your host can fix.

1.86 Changes

  • Some sites did not default to Inbox & Email for all members, This update resets everyone that is at inbox only to both to assure that if your site did not update correcly it is now. However this means all members that selected inbox only will have to select it again.
  • This version will try to automaticly clean up your file to assure you do not have runner.php problems. If you get a notice that the file could not be modified you will have to update the file manually

1.84 Changes

  • POP3 server can now support more then one CC site per server (unlimited domains). New inbox.php template will display pop3 server info when pop3 server is installed and active

1.83 Changes

  • This version fixes remaining known bugs in the new inbox and also include a pop3 server in the utilities directory. To run the pop3server you need md5 and DBI mysql support modules installed for perl and set up inetd, xinetd or tcpserver to run as nobody on port 1110 or any other port of your choice. Users will set their pop3 email client to point to your server and port 1110 and login with their username@yourdomain and their password. The @yourdomain is added because at somepoint the pop3 server will work with virtual hosts that run more then one CC site on their server. Replace yourdomain with the name of YOUR domain.
  • New templates to allow members the ability to select their inbox setting are available. copy userinfo.php and signup.php from the templates dir to your pages dir.

1.79 Changes

  • This takes care of the last of the bugs created by the new features in the lastest updates. Also there was a security issue created with the faster login method, this is now fixed

1.78 Changes

  • I added some recommend code to help direct the bounces to the right place, I did not notice that it had Return-Receipt in the header that I copied over. That is removed now

1.77 Changes

  • As most people are aware the sendmail process in exim or sendmail is bulky, slow, and uses a lot of system resource s. However thats what cpanel and most other webhost management packages use, so you just can't remove them and put on qmail or postfix and have things work. But now the mass mailer in the CC scripts can access qmail or postfix direcly and send mass emails though them with out using exim. THis will allow the host to install qmail on their server with out it having any affect on cpanel or other software
  • Autoupdate has more varification to make sure the update is a complete success.
  • Fixed bug in site settings that would prevent you from clearing a setting

1.76 Changes

  • Fixes user profile update bug caused by last security update
  • Fixes Start page cookie bug that would affect members in timezones other then the servers
  • Site URLs and Dir settings moved out of to the settings section of admin
  • A second plug in added for testing, plug in support is getting close to being total completed
  • Multi Server support, run runner.php on a second webserver or even on the same server but through thttpd instead of apache. (requires a second server or thttpd) this will reduce entire server load by many hundreds of times because thttpd is a much faster web server then apache. This configuration can run simultaneously with apache on the same server, and even on shared servers. thttpd can be ran on cpanel servers without conflicting with cpanel
  • Fixed logout bug still remaining in the admin when you loged into your account to test and email link
  • Log in process for members makes one less mysql read per log in check once the member is already logged in, reducing server load

1.75 Changes

  • There was a security hole found in the form processing part of the scripts, I misunderstood the programmers explanation of this yesterday and thought he was referring to a different method that the scripts are protected against. Turns out there is a security problem with the form processing. This update fixes that.

1.74 Changes

  • One of the plugin programmers (Jeremiah Kirkpatrick) discovered a way to exploit the autodeduct function on the redemption manager. This version fixes that. Thanks Jeremiah, for finding that one for me.
  • The email manager will no longer log you out if the session is expired. This will still allow the more secure login for admin while only reverting to the less secure method as before when posting a new email to send.

1.72 Changes

  • Fixed bug that would log you out when viewing a users account
  • Autosurf saves earnings now when no more urls notice comes up
  • Fixed Plugin file stat problem that accured only on one known server but if you had it and did not report it this fixes it

1.71 Changes

  • Reload inboxes that had to be cleared in order to do update 1.70

1.70 Changes

  • Rewrote inbox, There was a site that sends out about 400,000 emails a day and the old way the inbox worked was just putting to much load on their server. This update will have to empty your existing inboxes from your server
  • A lot of people have writen their on code for the CC scripts and alway have to put it back in every time there is an update. This is the first implementation of plugin support. Should have all needed features added for you programmers in the next few releases as you send me your input.
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