Automatic earnings converters
From CashCrusaderWiki
Revision as of 23:35, 17 October 2009
Couple small code snippets and guide for automated points to cash and cash to points converters.
Points to Cash converter
An example for creating 100 points to $0.01 automatic converter to redemption page. You can edit figures to make converter(s) for any amounts.
1. Login to your CashCrusader admin panel
2. Go to Accounting -> Redemption Options
3. Enter following details
Sort Group: [any or according to your site] Qualifying Membership Type: All Description: 100 points to $0.01 Type: Points Amount: 100 Change this account type to: Do not Upgrade expires in: Never Automaticly deduct... : Yes
Special HTML, leave empty
PHP Code, copy and paste following:
// --- START OF CODE --- //------------------------------- // Edit conversion details below //------------------------------- $points_debited = 100; $cash_credited = 0.01; // dollars //------------------------------- // DO NOT EDIT BELOW //------------------------------- $amount = number_format($cash_credited * 100000 * admin_cash_factor,0,,); // Circumvent PHP5 bug @mysql_query(" INSERT INTO `".mysql_prefix."accounting` SET unixtime='". unixtime ."', transid='". maketransid($_SESSION['username']) ."', amount='$amount', username='". $_SESSION['username'] ."', type='cash', description='$points_debited converted to \$$cash_credited'"); // --- END OF CODE ---
4. Press Save redemption
Cash to Points converter
An example for creating $0.01 to 100 points automatic converter to redemption page. You can edit figures to make converter(s) for any amounts.
1. Login to your CashCrusader admin panel
2. Go to Accounting -> Redemption Options
3. Enter following details
Sort Group: [any or according to your site] Qualifying Membership Type: All Description: $0.01 to 100 points Type: Cash Amount: 0.01 Change this account type to: Do not Upgrade expires in: Never Automaticly deduct... : Yes
Special HTML, leave empty
PHP Code, copy and paste following:
// --- START OF CODE --- //------------------------------- // Edit conversion details below //------------------------------- $points_credited = 100; $cash_debited = 0.01; // dollars //------------------------------- // DO NOT EDIT BELOW //------------------------------- $amount = number_format($points_credited * 100000,0,,); // Circumvent PHP5 bug @mysql_query(" INSERT INTO `".mysql_prefix."accounting` SET unixtime='". unixtime ."', transid='". maketransid($_SESSION['username']) ."', amount='$amount', username='". $_SESSION['username'] ."', type='points', description='\$$cash_debited converted to $points_credited points'"); // --- END OF CODE ---
4. Press Save redemption